A Theme in SefiLib is a way to pre-define a style and reuse it in multi locations.
It supports basic chat messages and strings, Themed ItemStack and Themed SlimefunItemStack also.
To create a new Theme, first add the import:
import io.github.sefiraat.sefilib.string.Theme;
Then you need to choose your ChatColor for the theme.
ChatColor chatColor = ChatColor.of("#3295a8");
ChatColor chatColor = ChatColor.RED;
Color color = new Color(255, 150, 20);
ChatColor chatColor = ChatColor.of(color);
Be sure you use ChatColor from net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor not org.bukkit.ChatColor
Then you need a String that will be the name, lore line and tag for this Theme. This string is used in the following ways:
Added to the final line in the lore of an ItemStack
Prepends any logging message sent via the Theme
Then create a new Theme using these two arguments.
Theme TRAIT = new Theme(ChatColor.of("#3295a8"), "Trait");
I would suggest creating themes as static elements of a utility class, as per the below example:
package dev.sefiraat.slimetinker2.implementation;
import io.github.sefiraat.sefilib.string.Theme;
import net.md_5.bungee.api.ChatColor;
public final class TinkerThemes {
private TinkerThemes() {
throw new IllegalStateException("Utility class");
public static final Theme MAIN = new Theme(ChatColor.of("#8a0e0e"), "SlimeTinker2");
public static final Theme RESEARCH = new Theme(ChatColor.of("#a60e03"), "Research");
public static final Theme CRAFTING = new Theme(ChatColor.of("#dbcea9"), "Crafting Material");
public static final Theme RECIPE_TYPE = new Theme(ChatColor.of("#ffe89c"), "Recipe Type");
public static final Theme MACHINE = new Theme(ChatColor.of("#3295a8"), "Machine");
public static final Theme TOOL = new Theme(ChatColor.of("#3295a8"), "Tool");
public static final Theme PART = new Theme(ChatColor.of("#dbcea9"), "Part");
public static final Theme TRAIT = new Theme(ChatColor.of("#3295a8"), "Trait");
public static final Theme MATERIAL = new Theme(ChatColor.of("#dbcea9"), "Material");
public static final Theme ENCHANTMENT = new Theme(ChatColor.of("#ffe89c"), "Enchantment");
public static final Theme UPGRADE = new Theme(ChatColor.of("#ea201a"), "Upgrade");
public static final Theme ADDON = new Theme(ChatColor.of("#8a0e0e"), "Addon");
The Theme class comes with some default themes that can be used for common purposes (and used by Theme for item generation and certain strings).
// Yellow theme used to denote a warning of some kind
public static final Theme WARNING = new Theme(ChatColor.YELLOW, "Warning");
// Red theme used to denote an error, misuse etc.
public static final Theme ERROR = new Theme(ChatColor.RED, "Error");
// A plain white theme used for simple notices
public static final Theme NOTICE = new Theme(ChatColor.WHITE, "Notice");
// A passive light grey theme used for hints, sub-information and item lore
public static final Theme PASSIVE = new Theme(ChatColor.GRAY);
// A lime-green theme used to denote success and/or 'good' responses
public static final Theme SUCCESS = new Theme(ChatColor.GREEN, "Success");
// A bright yellow used for highlighting key word or where to click
public static final Theme CLICK_INFO = new Theme(ChatColor.of("#e4ed32"), "Click here");
To create an ItemStack with the Theme applied. Simply use the static method Theme#themedItemStack() providing the Material, the Theme to be applied, the Item's name and a List<String> for the lore.
ItemStack itemStack = Theme.themedItemStack(
"Testing Name",
"Hello there",
"This is some lore"
The resulting ItemStack will have the name you provided using the Theme's color. The lore lines will follow after a single line gap using a the default Theme#PASSIVE. After all of the lore lines, there will be one last gap followed by the Theme's lore line using Theme#CLICK_INFO
A SlimefunItemStack is created in almost the same way, requiring an additional argument for the SlimefunItem ID as well as the List<String> being replaced with a String Array/String var-args
SlimefunItemStack slimefunItemStack = Theme.themedSlimefunItemStack(
"Testing Name",
new String[] {
"Hello there",
"This is some lore"
SlimefunItemStack slimefunItemStack = Theme.themedSlimefunItemStack(
"Testing Name",
"Hello there",
"This is some lore"
Themed Strings
The Theme class overrides .toString() to provide the theme's base color. This means at the most basic level, you can use your theme field directly within a string concatenation or other message formatter
String string = Themes.WARNING_THEME + "WARNING"
String string = MESSAGE_FORMAT.format(
new Object[]{Themes.WARNING_THEME, "WARNING"},
new StringBuffer(),
You can use the .apply(Object) method which will directly return a String that is colored to match the theme. The static method Theme#applyThemeToString(Theme, String) does the same as .apply() but in a static context.
Player player = getPlayer();
player.sendMessage(Themes.WARNING_THEME.apply("This is a warning message"));
player.sendMessage(Theme.applyThemeToString(Themes.WARNING_THEME, "This is a warning mesage"));
You can use the .asTitle(Object, Object) method which will directly return a String that has the first object (as a string) in the themes color followed immedietly by a colon, a space then the second object as a string using the default Theme.PASSIVE. The static method Theme#applyThemeAsTitle(Theme, String, Object) does the same as .asTitle() but in a static context.
Player player = getPlayer();
int numberOfItems = getNumberOfItems();
String message = Theme.CLICK_INFO.asTitle("Total Items", numberOfItems);